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Getting started


As Cognition Art grows and develops we will be adding more content,

in addition to our getting started section, we also have recordings from

industry experts offering first hand advice on how they like to be

approached and what you can do to maximise your chances of success.


Please see- Expert Advice


Where to begin-


For artists looking to connect with the scientific community, then the good news is that there are many organisations out there who can offer support.


This can include networks such as Beltane, Creative Carbon Scotland, FUSION and IOP Scotland. Universities can also be approached directly and many departments have public engagement officers who can help you connect with researchers


There are various events such as Edinburgh Science Festival and Glasgow Science Festival who welcome applications from creatives who are finding new ways to express data and science content


And funding can be sought from various sources, including: IOP Scotland, The Elephant Trust and Creative Scotland


There are also various organisations and individuals keen to help creatives with technical support. For example Tinderbox  offer support around making and incorporating electronics


Please see Supporting Organisations 


Reaching out can be a very large first step and there are various things you can do to help you feel prepared and to ensure you have the best chance of getting a positive response







It is worth doing your research before hand.


Take a look at our Supporting Organisations, Events, Funding and Venues.

Make a note of dates, themes, get familiar with previous exhibits and

check what the criteria is for applications.





- Event organisers. What do they say the want, do they want proposals of fully developed exhibits, complete with confirmation of venue and funding or do they just require a proposal for a piece of art to be installed at set venue and date?

- Time frames. Including event submission dates, availability of venues and funding deadlines

- Who do you need to involve? This might include researchers, academics (especially important if you would like access to science funding), and could include other individuals with technical skills. We will have a list of individuals within our Profiles section that have technical skills and are keen to collaborate. We also list various Supporting Organisations who can help with technical aspects


Considering these points will give you a clear picture of what might be involved, give you confidence and if you are reaching out to organisations, or even individuals, then they are far more likely to respond if you have an outcome in mind. This outcome can, and most probably will, change as the conversation develops, but it is good to demonstrate your understanding and have an idea that people can be excited by.


Start conversations early. Bringing together all the elements of an exhibition takes time, people can be slow to respond and getting funding can be a lengthy process. For example 9 months to a year is typical for organising an exhibit.




Submitting applications


A top tip for making submissions is to start a conversation with

the organisation well in advance of any deadline. Many organisations

receive an overwhelming response to call outs. If you contact them

in advance then you can:


- Check that your proposal fits their needs

- Make useful contacts

- Make them aware of yourself and your application, and hopefully

   they will keep an eye out for your proposal.




Too much?


Organising an event can be daunting, especially if that involves taking your creative practice in a new direction and bringing together all the elements involved.


Fear not! Some events organisers will offer open calls for art work to be submitted, without the need to organise a whole exhibit around it. There are also events like Maker Faires, these can be a great opportunity to test the water and get a feel for exhibiting within this sort of event.


If you would like to be part of a larger collective then please see Organisations for a list of collectives that showcase the work of their members. 




Any Questions?


We appreciate there's a lot to take on and are happy to answer questions, or perhaps you are experienced in producing data driven exhibits and would like to share experience from your own journey? 


You can get in touch via our Contact Page







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